Enter an enchanting world of legends and magic, filled with gloomy forests, forbidden temples, and abandoned castles; a realm of dark secrets, where your destiny was written long before your birth...
Within the shadow of an ancient forest, on the bottom of a foggy valley, stands the lonely village of Ravenbrook. The folk there are cheerful and diligent, yet warily superstitious. They surround the village with countless charms to keep the evil spirits at bay, for on the other side of the forest, there lies a seemingly bottomless pit, known as the Abyss. It is the place the villagers of Ravenbrook fear most...
Within the shadow of an ancient forest, on the bottom of a foggy valley, stands the lonely village of Ravenbrook. The folk there are cheerful and diligent, yet warily superstitious. They surround the village with countless charms to keep the evil spirits at bay, for on the other side of the forest, there lies a seemingly bottomless pit, known as the Abyss. It is the place the villagers of Ravenbrook fear most...
Year: 2016
Genre: I am looking for adventure
Developer: ERS Game Studios
Publisher: Big Fish Games
Platform: PC
Publication Type: Informal
Language: Russian
V-Language: English
Tablet: Not required
System requirements:
- OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8
- Processor: 2.0 GHz or higher
- RAM 2048 MB or higher
- DirectX 9.0 or higher
- HDD: 1,03 GB free space
Extras. information:
- Additional chapter
- Built-in passage
- Wallpapers
- Concept Art
- soundtrack
Install & Play.
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